(20-25 minutes)
- Group students in a visibly random way (e.g. playing cards, drawing straws, spinner, etc.) into groups no larger than three students per group.
- Watch the video: M6U1L4 Equivalent Fractions Decimals and Percents.mp4
- Distribute the activity sheet M6U1L4 Equivalent Fractions Decimals and Percents Blackline Master.pdf and ask students to work each problem in their group on a nonpermanent surface.
- Facilitate student group exploration and reflection.
- Distribute the activity sheet M6U1L4b Relating Fractions Decimals Percents and Money.pdf for financial applications of fractions, decimals, and percents.
- Facilitate student group exploration and reflection.
- Instructional Hint:
- Provide graphic organizers such as a hundreds grid or a number line.
- Support for Emergent Bilinguals:
- Students sharpen both their linguistic skills and mathematical skills when they talk about the mathematics they are doing. Provide students the opportunity, in small groups and in whole-class discussions, to narrate, describe, and explain their thinking as they solve problems.
- As needed, support student reasoning and productive struggle through questioning.
- Clarifying Question(s)
- When you say __________, what do you mean?
- Focusing Question(s)
- What is this problem about?
- What is the ratio being represented in the problem?
- Advancing Question(s) [ask and walk away]
- What is the part and what is the whole?
- Assessing Question(s)
- What is another way to determine the solution?
- Clarifying Question(s)