(20 – 25 minutes)
Student-Centered Learning Option
- Allow time for students to read the Tell Me More… section on page 48 and the stepped-out examples on pages 48-51.
- Have students try the You Try It problem on page 49.
- As needed, support student reasoning and productive struggle through questioning (see below).
- Bring students back together as a whole group to debrief the content and examples.
- Have students complete the practice problems on pages 51-53.
Explicit Instruction Option
- Read the Tell Me More… section on page 48.
[8.5F and 8.5H PROPORTIONAL AND NON-PROPORTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS]- Work through each example. If necessary, use the provided steps.
- Guide students to try the corresponding You Try It problem on page 49.
- Assign students to complete the practice problems on pages 51-53.
Instructional Hint
- Encourage students to make connections between multiple representations and how they show situations are proportional or non-proportional, including:
- Proportional graphs have a y-intercept that is the origin.
- This connects to tables that contain the point (0, 0).
- That connects to proportional equations not having anything added–only a number multiplied by the independent variable.
- Clarifying Question(s)
- What does the problem ask?
- Focusing Question(s)
- What do you know?
- What do you want to find out?
- Advancing Question(s) [ask and walk away]
- How do you know whether a graph represents a proportional situation?
- How do you know whether a table represents a proportional situation?
- Assessing Question(s)
- How do you know whether a situation is proportional or non-proportional?